Evaluation of Antibiotic Residues in Dairy Cows in Bejaia (Algeria)

Lyes Ouabdesselam 1 2 * , Amel Sayad 3, Ali Berbar 2
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1 Food Science Division,Scientific and Technical Center in Physico-Chemical Analysis (CRAPC), Bou-Ismail, RP 42004, Tipaza, ALGERIA
2 National Institute of Veterinary Sciences, SAAD DAHLEB University of Blida, Soumâa, BP 270, Blida RP 09000, ALGERIA
3 Biological Sciences Institute, Sciences and Technology University (USTHB), Algeirs, ALGERIA
* Corresponding Author
EUR J BASIC MED SCI, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 3-7. https://doi.org/10.21601/ejbms/9358
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The widespread use of antibiotics in dairy cattle management may result in the presence of antibiotic residue in milk. Consumption of milk with such antibiotic residue levels by humans predisposes them to serious health effects. This study is part of a global project carried out with the aim of evaluating the presence of antibiotic residues in the raw milk of cows reared in cattle farms in Bejaïa. This study involved 270 milk samples were collected in the Wilaya of Bejaia. A screening of the samples was carried out by the acidification test followed by a confirmation agar diffusion test. The results showed residues in 02,96 % of the milk tested. The study revealed the presence of antibiotic residues in raw cow’s milk from farms in varying proportions. Penicillin residues and / or tetracyclines were originally of the contamination of 75 % milk samples positive while residues macrolide and / or aminoglycoside were only detected in 25 % of samples tested positive. The use of antibiotics should be done by veterinarians or under their responsibility by animal health professionals.


Ouabdesselam L, Sayad A, Berbar A. Evaluation of Antibiotic Residues in Dairy Cows in Bejaia (Algeria). EUR J BASIC MED SCI. 2021;11(1):3-7. https://doi.org/10.21601/ejbms/9358


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